Alexandra Quintero - Biographical profile

Alexandra Quintero was born in Esmeraldas (Ecuador) in 1971, currently she resides and works in Quito (Ecuador) and Torreglia (Italy).

She is married and has two sons.

She studied economics in Ecuador, then the Italian language and business management in Italy. She proceeded studies of art in Italy (Brera Academy, Milan) and in Ecuador. She was a student of M. Giovanni Rubino (Naples 1938 † Milan 2021) in Milan.

Speaks fluently, in addition to Spanish, Italian and a bit English; she knows a bit French, too.

It is written in the Registry of Ecuadorian Artists (R.U.A.C. - Registro Único de los Artistas Ecuatorianos, Ministry of Culture) since October 2017.

Since November 2018, he has been a member of the House of Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamín Carrión”, Nucleus of Pichincha.

Since December 2018 he has been Permanent Ambassador for Culture, Republic of Ecuador.

Since 2024 she has been Secretary of the Montevenda Foundation (foundation for the development of “ethical engineering”, Ecuador).

Since 2015, she has been a delegate for Ecuador of the Mediterranean Parliament.

Since 2019 he is a member of the organization “Pueblo Negro” [“Black People”] (Ecuador).

Since 2020 she is the National Delegate of the Cumbre Mundial de las Artes, las Ciencias y la Espiritualidad por la Paz y la Vida [World Summit of Arts, Sciences and Spirituality for Peace and Life].

In 2021, he received recognition for her cultural activity from the “Manuela Espejo” Foundation of Quito.

In 2022, she was awarded an honorary doctorate in art history from the University “Felipe Villanueva” of Mexico.

She is promoting the creation of the “Arcadia” Foundation for the Study of Art, Culture and Restoration in Ecuador.

She writes, in Italy, in the “Lux Terrae” magazine (Rome); in Ecuador, in the “Desde la Tierra del Sol – Mensaje del Nuevo Tiempo” (From the Land of the Sun – Message of the New Time”) international magazine.

One of his works (“Tarsila”, oil on canvas, 50×60 cm, 2017) is in the collections of the House of Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamin Carrión” in Quito.

She gives art lessons in various venues in Ecuador (Ecuadorian House of Culture “Benjamin Carrión” in Quito and “Kingmann Museum House” in San Rafael), with special attention to children and young people.

In her stay in Europe, she became familiar and studied carefully the great masterpieces of European art and architecture. Inspired by them, combined them with the Latin American artistic tradition and the symbolic, anthropological and ethnic themes.

Therefore in her works there are references to Henri Matisse, Paul Cezanne, Wassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso, but also to the literary tradition of the Latin American of XX century, such as, for example, to the writer Jorge Luis Borges.

In particular, Alexandra Quintero is interested in any possible ancient historical and cultural connection between Latin America, the ancient Greek, Indian and Egyptian cultures, which investigates and analyzes by her works.

Personal exhibits:

  • Latacuga (Ecuador), February 2016, in Citizen Service Center: Sponsors: Provincial Direction of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage; Latacunga Citizen Service Center; Ecuatorian House of Culture “Benjamin Carrion” Nucleus of Cotopaxi;

  • Quito (Ecuador), May 2016, in “Cafelibro: personal exhibition “From ethnicity to symbolism”;

  • Rome (Italy), December 2016: collective exhibition “Urbis et Artis”, “Pulcherrima” Gallery;

  • Milan (Italy), March 2017: personal exhibition “The Feminine Universe”, General Consulate of Ecuador (remanded);

  • Latacunga (Ecuador), March 2018: personal exhibition, House of the Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamin Carrion” - Cotopaxi, and Polytechnic School of the Army of Latacunga;

  • Quito (Ecuador), June July 2018: personal exhibition and organization of the cycle of events “Culture and History of the Afro Ecuadorian Nation, yesterday and today”, House of the Ecuadorian CultureBenjamin Carrion”;

  • Sangolquí (Ecuador), July August 2018: collective exhibition “The new South American painting for the XXI century”, Municipality of Rumiñahui, Carmen House Gallery;

  • Sangolquí (Ecuador), October November 2018: exhibition “Alexandra Quintero: Art between Europe and South America”, “Eduardo Kingman” Museum House.

  • Sangolquí (Ecuador), December 5th, 2018: personal exhibition,Ecuador: Nature and Spirituality”, Franciscan College “The Immaculate”.

  • Conocoto (Quito – Ecuador), June 23th, 2019: personal exhibition, Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart.

  • Guayaquil (Ecuador), July 25th÷27th, 2019: exhibition in Samanes Park (Afro Ecuadorian cultural event).

  • Milan (Italy), September 2020: exhibition in the “SpazioVernice” Gallery.

  • Panama University, February 22th÷26th, 2021, in collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico: 1st International Biennial of Virtual Art.

  • Magenta (Italy), March 2021: exhibition at the “Paveri Fontana” Gallery (of Contemporary Art).

  • Quito (Ecuador), March 2021: collective exhibition at the National Museum of Medicine of Ecuador - World Summit of Arts, Sciences and Spirituality for Peace and Life.

  • Sangolquí (Ecuador), October 1, 2022: collective exhibition in the Jardin de Gea, Cultural Center.

Publications in contemporary art catalogues:

  • Catalog “Elìte Daverio”, curated by prof. Philippe Daverio, Italy, 2017;

  • IOArte” Catalog, Italy, 2017;

  • Book by Arpinè Sevagian “Art and Illusion. Da Arcimboldo a Salvador Dalì ed i Contemporanei – 1920÷2020” [“Art and Illusion. From Arcimboldo to Salvador Dalì and the Contemporaries – 1920÷2020”], Ed. Federica Marin, Italy 2020;

  • Book “Great Masters of the Visual Arts”, World Summit of Arts, Sciences and Spirituality for Peace and Life, Ecuador, 2021 (international);

  • Catalog “VI Biennale di Morgana - I miraggi dell’Arte - Museo della ceramica - Santo Stefano di Camastra (Messina)” [“VI Morgana Biennial - The mirages of Art - Ceramics Museum - Santo Stefano of Camastra (Messina)”], Santo Stefano, June 29 ÷ July 30 2024, “Le Pagine” Editions.

Articles about Alexandra Quintero in magazines and newspapers:

  • La Hora” newspaper (Quito, Ecuador) - “Pinturas a sabor de cafè” (“Paintings with a coffee flavour”), May 8, 2016;

  • Rocinante” magazine (Quito, Ecuador) - “Alexandra Quintero”, no. 121, November 2016;

  • Luz de los Andes... Desde la Tierra del Sol” magazine (Quito, Ecuador) - “El arte en el tiempo del resurgir cultural de América - La búsqueda de «la identidad y de un estilo propio» en la obra plástica de Alexandra Quintero” (“Art at the time of America's cultural rebirth – The search for «identity and a personal style» in the plastic work of Alexandra Quintero”), January February 2020.

Training activity:

  • July 2018: “Eduardo Kingman” House Museum, San Rafael (Pichincha Province, Ecuador) – Plastic arts workshop for children and adolescents;

  • October 2018 and following months: House of Ecuadorian Culture “Benjamín Carrion”, Quito - Plastic arts workshop for children and adolescents.

Articles by Alexandra Quintero in magazines:

  • L'Etnia Afro Ispanica in Ecuador: lineamenti di storia” [“The Afro Hispanic Ethnicity in Ecuador: outlines of history”], “Lux Terrae” magazine, Rome (Italy), Summer 2015;

  • L'arte latinoamericana tra autonomia culturale ed influenza europea” [“Latin American art between cultural autonomy and European influence”], “Lux Terrae” magazine, Rome (Italy), Summer 2016;

  • La Etnicidad Afrohispànica en Ecuador: historia fundamentàl” [“The Afro Hispanic ethnicity in Ecuador: fundamental history”], “Desde la Tierra del Sol – Mensaje del Nuevo Tiempo” magazine, Quito (Ecuador), January February 2020 [Spanish and Italian editions].